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  • Writer's pictureFoncia Tarentaise

Energy renovation

MaPrimeRénov' to evolve in 2024

The government's main support scheme for energy renovation, MaPrimeRénov', will change in 2024 to continue the effort to reduce the carbon footprint of homes and speed up major renovations. Its budget will increase by €1.6 billion compared with 2023, bringing it to a total of €5 billion. Passoires thermiques" are particularly targeted: up to €70,000 of work will be taken into account for the most effective renovations, with a rate of reimbursement of up to 90% for households on very low incomes. Single-action grants, which will finance the replacement of boilers and small packages of actions, will only be available to households living in homes that are already well insulated. To develop the installation of air/water and geothermal heat pumps, as a replacement for an oil or gas boiler, aid of up to €2,000 will be available for low- and middle-income households.

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