"France Rénov'", a unique information platform
Launched in January 2022 and led by the National Housing Agency (Anah), the France Rénov’ platform is the public housing renovation service.
Its objective: to accelerate the energy transition of housing and support households throughout their energy renovation project through the France-renov.gouv.fr website, a single telephone number (0 808 800 700) and more than 1 800 France Rénov' advisors in 500 France Rénov' "advice spaces" present throughout the territory to answer their questions.
According to Anah, the information provided is "neutral, free and personalized", in order to know what work they can carry out at home, how to choose their craftsmen, what aid they can benefit from ("MaPrimeRénov'", etc.) and better understand how the work will unfold. (Translation by Google translate)