Increase in premiums for renovating your condominium
Since February 1, the amount of aid MaPrimeRénov’ Copropriétés, dedicated to energy renovation work on the common areas of condominiums, has increased. In fact, the payment of 25% of the amount of the work now applies within the limit of €25,000 (compared to €15,000 previously). This brings the maximum premium to €6,250 per accommodation (and no longer €3,750). This system, managed by the National Housing Agency (Anah), is aimed at condominiums built more than 15 years ago and which include at least 75% of main residences. The work must improve energy comfort by at least 35%. Another change is that households with very modest and modest incomes residing in the condominium are entitled to additional individual premiums of €3,000 and €1,500 respectively, i.e. doubled amounts.